Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Gabriel Harvey, 1552-1631: Sonnet XVIII

COME, fellow Greene, come to thy gaping graue :
Bidd Vanity, and Foolery farewell :
Thou ouer-long hast plaid the madbrain'd knaue :
And ouer-loud hast rung the bawdy bell.
Vermine to Vermine must repaire at last :
No fitter house for busy folke to dwell :
Thy Conny-catching Pageants are past :
Some other must those arrant Stories tell.
These hungry wormes thinke longe for their repast:
Come on : I pardon thy offence to me :
It was thy liuing : be not so aghast :
A Foole, and a Phisition may agree,
     And for my Brothers, neuer vex thy selfe :
     They are not to disease a buried Elfe.


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